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Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy of Nanosystems in Liquid Media

Tatiana Dolenko

Tatiana Dolenko (Gogolinskaya) was born on 19th of July, 1961, in the city of Pinsk, Belorussia. At the age of 16 she applied to the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and after graduating from it cum laude in 1983, Tatiana became a Ph.D. Student. In 1986, she defended her Ph.D. Thesis on "Structure of water Raman scattering 3000~3800 cm-1 valence band and its applications in diagnostics of sea water", after that Tatiana became a Junior Researcher at the Research Centre of Laser Technologies, the city of Shatura, Moscow Region.

In 1989, Tatiana became a Junior Researcher at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Faculty of Chemistry, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 1995 and up until now she works at the Department of Quantum Electronics of Faculty of Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, first as a Junior and now as a Leading Researcher.

Tatiana took part in scientific expeditions at the Black Sea, at the Far East. She has also participated in experiments on a board of R. V. "Akademik Kurchatov" from November 1985 till March 1986 in the Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica. Tatiana is a Head of Group of laser spectroscopy of solutions of supramolecular compounds and nanostructures since 2008. In 2019 Tatiana Dolenko received the title of Honorary Professor of Zhejiang University of Technology.


Housing of nonlinear optics (HNO), 4-12a
Post adress: Moscow 119991, Leninskie Gory 1/62,
MSU, Department of Physics,
chair of Quantum Electronics

Contuct us
Email: tdolenko(at)