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Лаборатория лазерной спектроскопии наносистем в жидких средах

Избранные публикации

A.M. Vervald, K.A. Laptinskiy, M.Yu. Khmeleva, T.A. Dolenko. Toward carbon dots from citric acid and ethylenediamine, part 1: Structure, optical properties, main luminophore at different stages of synthesis. Carbon Trends, 19:100452

S. Burikov, E. Filippova, V. Proydakova, S. Kuznetsov, V. Voronov, N. Tabachkova, and T. Dolenko. The influence of concentrations of sensitizers and activators on luminescence kinetics parameters of up-conversion nanocomplexes NaYF4:Yb3+/Tm3+. Photonics, 11(3):228–241, 2024.

I. Plastinin and T. Dolenko. Laser diagnostics of micellar nanoreactors in ZnSO4/water/AOT/heptane reverse microemulsion system. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 411:125735, 2024. 

А. Корепанова, К. Лаптинский, Т. Доленко. Влияние кислотности и основности растворителя на оптические свойства углеродных точек. Оптика и спектроскопия, 132(3):247–253, 2024.

А. Вервальд, К. Лаптинский, М. Хмелева, Т. Доленко. Спектроскопия ИК поглощения углеродных точек из лимонной кислоты и этилендиамина: взаимосвязь их фотолюминесценции и структуры. Оптика и спектроскопия, 132(3):215–221, 2024.

К. Лаптинский, С. Буриков, А. Вервальд, А. Гуськов, И. Пластинин, О. Сарманова, Л. Утегенова, Т. Доленко. Определение содержания вредных примесей в воде с помощью лазерной спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния и методов машинного обучения. Оптика атмосферы и океана, 37(4):287–293, 2024.

A. Korepanova, K. Laptinskiy, and T. Dolenko. Manifestation of donor–acceptor properties of N-doped polymer carbon dots during hydrogen bonds formation in different solvents. Polymers, 16(24):3585, 2024.

K. A. Laptinskiy, M. Yu Khmeleva, O. E. Sarmanova, A. M. Vervald, L. S. Utegenova, and T. A. Dolenko. Diagnostics of xenobiotics in water by Raman spectra. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 87:S8–S13, 2023.

O. E. Sarmanova, K. A. Laptinskiy, S. A. Burikov, G. N. Chugreeva, and T. A. Dolenko. Implementing neural network approach to create carbon-based optical nanosensor of heavy metal ions in liquid media. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 286:122003, 2023.

O. E. Sarmanova, A. D. Kudryashov, K. A. Laptinskiy, S. A. Burikov, M. Yu Khmeleva, A. A. Fedyanina, S. A. Dolenko, P. V. Golubtsov, and T. A. Dolenko. Applications of fluorescence spectroscopy and machine learning methods for monitoring of elimination of carbon nanoagents from the body. Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), 32(1):20–33, 2023.

G. Bikbaeva, A. Pilip, A. Egorova, I. Kolesnikov, D. Pankin, K. Laptinskiy, A. Vervald, T. Dolenko, G. Leuchs, and A. Manshina. All-in-one photoactivated inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase combined with luminescence as an activation and localization indicator: Carbon quantum dots@phosphonate hybrids. Nanomaterials, 13(17):2409, 2023.

G. N. Chugreeva, O. E. Sarmanova, K. A. Laptinskiy, S. A. Burikov, and T. A. Dolenko. Application of convolutional neural networks for creation of photoluminescent carbon nanosensor for heavy metals detection. Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), 32(S2):S244–S251, 2023.

A.M. Vervald, K.A. Laptinskiy, G.N. Chugreeva, S.A. Burikov, and T.A. Dolenko. Quenching of photoluminescence of carbon dots by metal cations in water: Estimation of contributions of different mechanisms. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(44):21617–21628, 2023. 

M. Yu Khmeleva, K. A. Laptinskiy, and T. A. Dolenko. The influence of ph on the properties of carbon dots with different surface functionalization: sizes and photoluminescence quantum yield. Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya), 131(6):752, 2023.

Sergey A. Burikov, Anna A. Fedyanina, Kirill A. Laptinskiy, and Tatiana A. Dolenko. Calibration of upconversion luminescence of lanthanide-doped nanoparticle suspensions using Raman scattering. Optics Letters, 47(12):3043–3046, 2022.

Kirill Laptinskiy, Maria Khmeleva, Alexey Vervald, Sergey Burikov, and Tatiana Dolenko. Carbon dots with up-conversion luminescence as pH nanosensor. Applied Sciences, 12:12006, 2022.

O. Sarmanova, K. Laptinskiy, S. Burikov, S. Dolenko, D. Trushina, and T. Dolenko. Decoding optical spectra with neural networks to monitor the elimination of carbon nanoagents from the body. Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), 31(3):256–265, 2022.

Alexey Vervald, Kirill Kozhushnyi, and Tatiana Dolenko. Difference in deprotonation for oxygen-containing groups on sp2 and sp3 carbons. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 30(1):106–112, 2022.

Alexey M. Vervald, Alexandr D. Salekhov, and Tatiana A. Dolenko. Effect of temperature on photoluminescence of nanodiamonds and carbon dots in aqueous suspensions. Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Математика и физика, 15(6):1–8, 2022

S. V. Kuznetsov, S. A. Burikov, A. A. Fedyanina, E. A. Filippova, V. Yu Proydakova, V. V. Voronov, N. Yu Tabachkova, P. P. Fedorov, and T. A. Dolenko. Impact of sensitizer yb and activator tm on luminescence intensity of β-NaYF4:Yb/Tm nanoluminophores. Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика, 13(3):331–341, 2022.

Ivan V. Plastinin and Tatiana A. Dolenko. MCR-Raman spectroscopy of sodium octanoate micelles in aqueous solutions. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 123:103472, 2022.

K. A. Laptinskiy, S. A. Burikov, A. M. Vervald, and T. A. Dolenko. Raman and CARS spectroscopy of interactions of nanodiamonds with dna strands in water. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 30(1), 2022.

Ivan V. Plastinin, Tatiana A. Dolenko, Sergey A. Burikov, and Sergey A. Dolenko. The influence of amphiphilic compounds self-organization on the fermi resonance contribution in the oh-groups stretching band formation. Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Математика и физика, 15(6):1–12, 2022.

С. А. Буриков, Е. А. Филиппова, А. А. Федянина, С. В. Кузнецов, В. Ю. Пройдакова, В. В. Воронов, Т. А. Доленко. Влияние интенсивности возбуждающего излучения на люминесцентные свойства нанопорошков NaYF4:Yb/Tm. Оптика и спектроскопия, 130(6):817–824, 2022.

М. Ю. Хмелева, К. А. Лаптинский, П. С. Касьянова, А. Е. Томская, Т. А. Доленко. Зависимость фотолюминесценции углеродных точек с различной функционализацией поверхности от водородного показателя воды. Оптика и спектроскопия, (6):882–889, 2022.

Sarmanova, O. E., Laptinskiy, K. A., Khmeleva, M. Yu., Burikov, S. A., Dolenko, S. A., Tomskaya, A. E., & Dolenko, T. A. (2021). Development of the fluorescent carbon nanosensor for pH and temperature of liquid media with artificial neural networks. In Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (Vol. 258, p. 119861). Elsevier BV.

Laptinskiy, K. A., Burikov, S. A., Vervald, A. M., & Dolenko, T. A. (2021). Coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy of nanodiamond–lysozyme interactions in water. In Laser Physics (Vol. 31, Issue 6, p. 065702). IOP Publishing.

Trubetskaya, O. E., Trubetskoj, O. A., Richard, C., Vervald, A. M., Burikov, S. A., Marchenkov, V. V., Shenderova, O. A., Patsaeva, S. V., & Dolenko, T. A. (2021). High-performance size exclusion chromatography with online fluorescence and multi-wavelength absorbance detection for isolation of high-purity carbon dots fractions, free of non-fluorescent material. In Journal of Chromatography A (Vol. 1650, p. 462251). Elsevier BV.

Plastinin, I. V., Burikov, S. A., & Dolenko, T. A. (2021). Laser diagnostics of reverse microemulsions: Influence of the size and shape of reverse micelles on the Raman spectrum on the example of water/AOT/cyclohexane system. In Journal of Molecular Liquids (Vol. 325, p. 115153). Elsevier BV.

Sarmanova, O., Laptinskiy, K., Burikov, S., Khmeleva, M., Fedyanina, A., Tomskaya, A., Efitorov, A., Dolenko, S., & Dolenko, T. (2021). Machine learning algorithms to control concentrations of carbon nanocomplexes in a biological medium via optical absorption spectroscopy: How to choose and what to expect? In Applied Optics (Vol. 60, Issue 27, p. 8291). The Optical Society.

Kormshchikov, I. D., Voronov, V. V., Burikov, S. A., Dolenko, T. A., & Kuznetsov, S. V. (2021). Study of stability of luminescence intensity of b-NaGdF4:Yb:Er nanoparticle colloids in aqueous solution. In Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 218–223). ITMO University.

Olga E. Sarmanova, Sergey A. Burikov, Kirill A. Laptinskiy, Olga D. Kotova, Ekaterina A. Filippova, and Tatiana A. Dolenko. In vitro temperature sensing with up-conversion NaYF4:Yb3+/Tm3+-based nanocomposites: Peculiarities and pitfalls. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 241:118627, 2020.

O.E. Sarmanova, S.A. Burikov, S.A. Dolenko, I.V. Isaev, K.A. Laptinskiy, P. Neeraj, S. Karaman Didem, J.M. Rosenholm, O.A. Shenderova, and T.A. Dolenko. A method for optical imaging and monitoring of the excretion of fluorescent nanocomposites from the body using artificial neural networks. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 14(4):1371–1380, 2018

K.A. Laptinskiy, E.N. Vervald, A.N. Bokarev, S.A. Burikov, M.D. Torelli, O.A. Shenderova, I.L. Plastun, and T.A. Dolenko. Adsorption of DNA nitrogenous bases on nanodiamond particles: Theory and experiment. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122:11066–11075, 2018

E. Vervald, A. Vervald, K. Laptinskiy, and T. Dolenko. Fluorescent properties of nanodiamonds in result of interactions of nanodiamonds with biomacromolecules in water. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10685:106853E–1–106853E–9, 2018

I.V. Isaev, S.A. Burikov, T.A. Dolenko, K.A. Laptinskiy, and S.A. Dolenko. Improving the resilience of neural network solution of inverse problems in raman spectroscopy of multi-component solutions of inorganic compounds to the distortions caused by frequency shift of the spectral channels. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1096(1):012100–1–012100–8, 2018

T. Dolenko, A. Efitorov, O. Sarmanova, O. Kotova, I. Isaev, K. Laptinskiy, S. Dolenko, and S. Burikov. Application of wavelet neural networks for monitoring of extraction of carbon multi-functional medical nano-agents from the body. Procedia computer science, 145:177–183, 2018

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, E.N. Vervald, A.O. Efitorov, K.A. Laptinskiy, O.E. Sarmanova, and S.A. Dolenko. Improvement of reliability of molecular DNA computing: solution of inverse problem of Raman spectroscopy using artificial neural networks. Laser Physics, 27(2):025203–1–025203–8, 2017

А.А. Khomich, О.S. Kudryavtsev, Т.А. Dolenko, А.А. Shiryaev, А.V. Fisenko, V.I. Konov, and I.I. Vlasov. Anomalous enhancement of nanodiamond luminescence upon heating. Laser Physics Letters, 14:025702 (4pp), 2017.

A.M. Vervald, S.A. Burikov, I.I. Vlasov, E.A. Ekimov, O.A. Shenderova, T.A. Dolenko. Boron-doped nanodiamonds as possible agents for local hyperthermia. Laser Physics Letters, 14(№4):045702, 2017

I.V. Plastinin, S.A. Burikov, S.A. Dolenko, T.A. Dolenko. Contribution of Fermi and Darling–Dennison resonances to the formation of Raman spectra of water and water–ethanol solutions. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2017

S.A. Burikov, A.M. Vervald, K.A. Laptinskiy, T.V. Laptinskaya, O.A. Shenderova, I.I. Vlasov, T.A. Dolenko. Influence of hydrogen bonds on the colloidal and fluorescent propertiesof detonation nanodiamonds in water, methanol and ethanol. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2017. 

T. Petit, L. Puskar, T. Dolenko, S. Choudhury, E. Ritter, S. Burikov, K. Laptinskiy, Q. Brzustowski, U. Schade, H. Yuzawa, M. Nagasaka, N. Kosugi, M. Kurzyp, A. Venerosy, H. Girard, J-Ch. Arnault, E. Osawa, N. Nunn, O. Shenderova, and E.F. Aziz. Unusual Water Hydrogen Bond Network around Hydrogenated Nanodiamonds. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121:5185-5194, 2017

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, A.O. Efitorov, K.A. Laptinskiy, O.E. Sarmanova, and S.A. Dolenko. Adaptive methods of solving inverse problems for improvement of fidelity of molecular DNA computations. Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), 25(1):16–24, 2016

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, K.A. Laptinskiy, and O.E. Sarmanova. Improvement of the fidelity of molecular DNA computations: control of DNA duplex melting using Raman spectroscopy, Laser Physics, v. 26, No 2, 2016 

A.M. Vervald, E.A. Ekimov, O.S. Kudryavtsev, I.I. Vlasov, and T.A. Dolenko. The influence of boron doped nanodiamonds on hydrogen bonds in suspensions of protic solvents. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9917:99172O, 2016 

E.A. Ekimov, O.S. Kudryavtsev, S. Turner, S. Korneychuk, V.P. Sirotinkin, T.A. Dolenko, A.M. Vervald, and I.I. Vlasov. The effect of molecular structure of organic compound on direct high-pressure synthesis of boron-doped nanodiamonds. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 213(10):2582–2589, 2016.

A.M. Vervald, S.A. Burikov, O.A. Shenderova, N.Nunn, D.O. Podkopaev, I.I. Vlasov, and T.A. Dolenko. Relationship between fluorescent and vibronic properties of detonation nanodiamonds and strength of hydrogen bonds in suspensions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120:19375–19383, 2016

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, A.A. Vervald, A.M. Khomich, O.A. Kudryavtsev, O.A. Shenderova, and I.I. Vlasov. Observation of the "red edge" effect in the luminescence of water suspensions of detonation nanodiamonds. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 83:294–297, 2016

K. Laptinskiy, S. Burikov, S. Dolenko, A. Efitorov, O. Sarmanova, O. Shenderova, I. Vlasov, and T. Dolenko. Monitoring of nanodiamonds in human urine using artificial neural networks. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 213(10):2614–2622, 2016.

A. Vervald, S. Burikov, N. Borisova, I. Vlasov, K. Laptinskiy, T. Laptinskaya, O. Shenderova, and T. Dolenko. Fluorescence properties of nanodiamonds with NV centers in water suspensions. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 213(10):2601–2607, 2016

K.A. Laptinskiy, S.A. Burikov, O.E. Sarmanova, S.A. Dolenko, and T.A. Dolenko. Determination of type and concentration of DNA nitrogenous bases by Raman spectroscopy using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9917:991717–1–991717–11, 2016.

J.M. Rosenholm, I.I. Vlasov, S.A. Burikov, T.A. Dolenko, and O.A. Shenderova. Nanodiamond-Based Composite Structures for Biomedical Imaging and Drug Delivery (Review). J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, v.15, pp.959-971. 

N. Prabhakar, T. Nareoja, E. von Haartman, D.S. Karaman, S.A. Burikov, T.A. Dolenko, S. Jaikishan, V. Mamaeva, P.E. Hanninen, I.I. Vlasov, O.A. Shenderova and J.M. Rosenholm. Functionalization of graphene oxide nanostructures improves photoluminescence and facilitates their use as optical probes in preclinical imaging. Nanoscale, 2015.

A.O. Efitorov, S.A. Burikov, T.A. Dolenko, I.G. Persiantsev, S.A. Dolenko. Comparison of the Quality of Solving the Inverse Problems of Spectroscopy of Multi-Component Solutions with Neural Network Methods and with the Method of Projection to Latent Structures. Optical Memory & Neural Networks (Information Optics), 2015, v.24, N 2, c.93-101. 

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, S.A. Dolenko, A.O. Efitorov, Yu.A. Mirgorod. Raman Spectroscopy of Micellization-Induced Liquid-Liquid Fluctuations in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2015, v.204, pp.44-49. 

K.A. Laptinskiy, S.A. Burikov, T.A. Dolenko. Determination of type and concentration of DNA nitrogenous bases by Raman spectroscopy. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2014, v. 9448, pp. 94480J-1-8. 

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, K.A. Laptinskiy, A.A. Moskovtsev, M.V. Mesitov and A.A. Kubatiev. Improvement of fidelity of molecular DNA computing using laser spectroscopy. Laser Phys. 2015, v. 25, pp. 035202 (10pp).

E.A. Ekimov, O.S. Kudryavtsev, A.A. Khomich, O.I. Lebedev, T.A. Dolenko, and I.I.Vlasov. High-pressure synthesis of boron-doped ultrasmall diamonds from an organic compound. Advanced Materials, 27(37):5518-5522, 2015.

Yu.A. Mirgorod and T.A. Dolenko. Raman spectroscopy of water-ethanol solutions: the estimation of hydrogen bonding energy and the appearance of clathrate-like structures in solutions (feature article). Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 31(31):8535-8547, 2015

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, S.A. Dolenko, A.O. Efitorov, I.V. Plastinin, V.I. Yuzhakov, and S.V. Patsaeva. Raman spectroscopy of water-ethanol solutions: the estimation of hydrogen bonding energy and the appearance of clathrate-like structures in solutions. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, 119(44):10806-10815, 2015

T. Dolenko, S. Burikov, K. Laptinskiy, J.M. Rosenholm, O. Shenderova, and I. Vlasov. Evidence of carbon nanoparticle-solvent molecule interactions in Raman and fluorescence spectra. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 212(11):2512-2518, 2015

O. Shenderova, S. Hens, I. Vlasov, S. Turner, Y.-G. Lu, G. Van Tendeloo, A. Schrand, S. Burikov, T. Dolenko. Carbon Dot - Decorated Nanodiamonds. Particle&Particle Systems Characterization, 2014, 11 pp. 

S.A. Burikov, S.A. Dolenko, K.A. Laptinskiy, I.V. Plastinin, A.M. Vervald, I.I. Vlasov, T.A. Dolenko. Using artificial neural networks for elaboration of fluorescence biosensors on the basis of nanoparticles. Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. 2014, v.5, No1. pp. 195-202. 

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, K.A. Laptinskiy, T.V. Laptinskaya, J.M. Rosenholm, A.A. Shiryaev, A.R. Sabirov, I.I. Vlasov. Study of adsorption properties of functionalized nanodiamonds in aqueous solutions of metal salts using optical spectroscopy. J. of Alloys and Compounds, v. 586, s. 1, 15 February 2014, pp. S436-S439. 

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, A.O. Efitorov, S.A. Dolenko. Application of Adaptive Neural Network Algorithms for Determination of Salt Composition of Waters Using Laser Spectroscopy. International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical and Quantum Engineering Vol:8 No:10, 2014. 

S.A. Burikov, T.A. Dolenko, K.A. Gushchin, S.A. Dolenko. Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps as a New Method for Determination of Salt Composition of Multi-Component Solutions. International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Vol:8 No:10, 2014. 

K.A. Laptinskiy, S.A. Burikov, A.M. Vervald, S.A. Dolenko, T.A. Dolenko Using Artificial Neural Networks for Optical Imaging of Fluorescent Biomarkers International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical and Quantum Engineering Vol:8 No:10, 2014.

T.A. Dolenko, S.A. Burikov, A.M. Vervald, I.I. Vlasov, S.A. Dolenko, K.A. Laptinskiy, J.M. Rosenholm, O.A. Shenderova. Optical imaging of fluorescent carbon biomarkers using artificial neural networks. J. Biomed. Opt.; v. 19, Issue 11, pp. 117007 1-9.

До 2012
S. Burikov, T. Dolenko, S. Patsaeva, Yu.Starokurov, and V. Yuzhakov. Raman and IR spectroscopy research on Hydrogen bonding in water-ethanol systems. Molecular Physics, 2010, No.18, pp.2427-2436. 

Naiping Hu, Dan Wu, Kelly Cross, Sergey Burikov, Tatiana Dolenko, Svetlana Patsaeva, and Dale W. Schaefer. Structurability: A Collective Measure of the Structural Differences in Vodkas. J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, V.58, pp.7394-7401. 

S.A.Burikov, S.A.Dolenko, T.A.Dolenko, I.G.Persiantsev. Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Solve Problems of Identification and Determination of Concentration of Salts in Multi-Component Water Solutions by Raman Spectra. Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), 2010, v.19, No 2, pp.140-148. 

S.Burikov, S.Dolenko, T.Dolenko, S.Patsaeva, V.Yuzhakov. Decomposition of water Raman stretching band with a combination of optimization methods. Molecular Physics, 2010, V.108, No.6, pp.739-747.

С.А.Буриков, Т.А.Доленко, С.В.Пацаева, В.И.Южаков. Лазерный анализатор жидкостей с комплексным программным обеспечением. Вода: химия и экология, 2010, №1, с.31-37. 

С.А.Буриков, Т.А.Доленко, С.В.Пацаева, В.И.Южаков. Диагностика водно-этанольных растворов методом спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния света. Оптика атмосферы и океана, 2009, №11, с.1082-1088. 

S. Burikov, T. Dolenko, V. Fadeev. The Role of Fermi Resonance in formation of valence band of water Raman scattering. Research Letters in Optics, v. 2008, ID 204828, 4 pages. 

S. Burikov, T. Dolenko, V. Fadeev, I. Vlasov. Revelation of ions hydration in Raman scattering spectral bands of water. Laser Physics, 2007, v. 17, No 9, pp. 1-7. 

S. Burikov, T. Dolenko, V. Fadeev. Identification of inorganic salts and determination of their concentrations in water solutions from the Raman valence band using artificial neural networks. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2007, v. 17, No 4, pp. 554-559. 

S. Burikov, T. Dolenko, V. Fadeev, A. Sugonyaev. New opportunities in the determination of Inorganic compounds in water by the method of laser raman spectroscopy. Laser Physics, 2005, v.15, No 8, pp. 1-5. 

S. Burikov, T. Dolenko, P. Velikotnyi, A. Sugonyaev, V. Fadeev. The effect of hydration of ions of inorganic salts on the shape of the Raman stretching band of water. Optics and Spectroscopy, 2005, v. 98, 2, pp. 235-239. 

T. Dolenko, I. Churina, V. Fadeev, S. Glushkov. Valence band of liquid water Raman scattering: some peculiarities and applications in the diagnostics of water media. J. of Raman Spectroscopy, 2000, v. 31, No 8-9, pp. 863-870.


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